Fire Attenuation
Fire Attenuation

Crimsafe Fire Attenuation screens are a performance-based solution, designed to meet the National Construction Code of Australia to help reduce the level of radiant heat and spread of fire.
A Fire Engineer / Certifier will provide a Fire Safety Report which will describe what fire protection products are required to protect the building. Screens can be assessed by a Fire engineer / Certifier as a solution to limit the potential for fire spread occurring between buildings via radiant heat.
When tested, Crimsafe screens have achieved 59% attenuation rating in accordance with AS1530.4:2014. Fire attenuation screens can offer protection to window openings to buildings with property boundaries closer than 3m, or within 6m of adjacent buildings on the same allotment.
Crimsafe screens offer significant advantages over common ‘deemed to satisfy’ solutions, requiring far less maintenance and a lower capital investment. Screens are also a lightweight solution, preventing the need for over engineering and are an economical solution that offer not only fire attenuation but a multifaceted solution including security and insect protection, solar heat gain reduction and fall prevention.
Category | Multi Residential |
Location | Nundah, QLD |
Designer | TBC |
Designer-Builder | TBC |
Crimsafe Licensee | Franklyn Blinds & Awnings |
The density within our cities is growing at a rapid rate, with construction of buildings closer to the property boundary and each other Crimsafe screens can provide protection to reduce the level of radiant heat and spread of fire between
Suitable for:
Car parks
Office buildings
Product Details
Crimsafe Fire Attenuation Screens are engineered to the highest applicable standards. This is ‘best in class’, unrivaled by any other security screen product.
AS 1530.4:2014 “Methods for Fire Tests on Building Materials, Components and Structures” sets out the level of process and conditions for testing Fire Attenuation products – this involves exposing the screen to a heat of 40kW/m2 for 90 minutes. Crimsafe screens were tested to exceed this blocking 59% attenuation for 150 minute duration.
Fire Attenuation
Screen achieves 59% attenuation in radiant heat flux when applied over entire opening. Frame shall be fixed into building structure.
*Fire Safety Report by a Fire Protection Engineer or Certifier is required.
Proprietary Item
“Crimsafe Security Screens” by Crimsafe Security Systems Pty Ltd
Frame Type
Crimsafe Regular Window Frame
0.9 mm diameter high tensile 304 grade woven stainless steel security mesh.
Screw Clamps
“Screw-Clamp” by Crimsafe Security Systems Pty Ltd. fixed at 125mm centres
Tested To
Fire Attenuation Test Exova Warringtonfire 387038006 & 41646400
10 years. Terms & Conditions apply.
External Testing To Relevant Industry & Architectural Standards
• Fire Attenuation Test Exova Warringtonfire 387038006 & 41646400
• Energy Efficiency rated under the WERS program
• Dulux & Chemetall 3000-hour Salt Spray Test
• CSIRO Pressure Drop / Air Flow Test
• Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Test NFRC 201-2004
• Shading Protocol Thermal Performance Test NFRC 102 – 2004
More test data available at
Corrosion Resistance
Screens shall withstand 3,000 hours in the prohesion accelerated salt spray test.
Aluminum Grade
Security Mesh
Plain weave, 10 Count Mesh i.e: 10 strands on the weft x 10 strands on the warp, per square inch / 25.4mm of mesh. Woven to Standards ISO 9044/ ASTM E2016:06.
1.5mm x 1.5mm
Open Area
Fix using Crimsafe 410 Stainless Steel tamper-resistant security head installation screws. (* refer Fire Safety Report by a Fire Protection Engineer or Certifier
As specified
Surface Coating
Powder coat application as per AS4506: 2005 Metal Finishing for thermoset powder coatings